Gain Healthy Teeth And Maintain Your Smile
Your body naturally produces plaques, sticky and soft substances that line your teeth. When plaque becomes unclean or accumulates along with your teeth, it becomes tartar, which is difficult and harder to remove. Usually, both of these substances are handled during the annual examination, so that your teeth feel really clean. Unfortunately, if you miss a number of checks, the deposit can become very severe and stubborn so your dentist must use a technique called debridement before starting a regular examination. If your dentist has suggested this procedure, don't worry. This is needed for your oral health and can help you get back to healthy dental habits. Learn more about what debridement means and why your dentist uses it to prepare your appointment. What is Dental Debridement ? Imagine an archaeologist revealing artifacts. Before he can check the piece, each gap needs to be cleaned carefully to make sure it can be fully inspected. An archaeologist needs to do more than b...